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Tiger booth number:0H29-1
日期:2023年6月21日(星期三)- 2023年6月24日(星期六)
Date:June 21th 2023(Wednesday) - June 24th 2023(Saturday)
Venue address:BITEC, BANGKOK
来自汽车、电器等行业的数万家国际电子元器件制造商将齐聚一年一度的盛会,与来自全球 420 多个品牌的电子元器件、组装、测量和测试设备的服务提供商和分包商在“NEPCON Thailand 2023”上进行交流 ,这是东盟排名第一的电子制造业国际展览会。
Tens of thousands of international electronic components manufacturers from automotive industry, electrical appliance and many more will come together in the annual event to network with service providers and subcontractors of electronic components, as well as assembly, measurement & testing equipment from more than 420 global brands at "NEPCON Thailand 2023", ASEAN’s #1 international exhibition for the electronics manufacturing industry.